Terms in News 2024 – Raah UPSC

The year 2024 has been marked by remarkable developments across various domains, from cutting-edge scientific discoveries to significant technological advancements. Let’s delve into some of the intriguing terms in news and concepts that have captured headlines and sparked interest:

1. Men5CV:

  • Nigeria has introduced Men5CV, a new vaccine against meningitis, marking a significant advancement in global health efforts.
  • Men5CV is highly effective and represents a milestone in combating meningitis, particularly in Africa where the disease burden is high.

2. Tachyons:

  • Tachyons are theoretical particles hypothesized to travel faster than light.
  • They are thought to have imaginary mass, which suggests they could exceed the speed of light without violating known laws of physics.

3. Gaia-BH3:

  • Astronomers have identified Gaia-BH3 as the most massive stellar black hole in the Milky Way galaxy.
  • This discovery was made using data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission, showcasing the mission’s significance in astronomical research.

4. Kerogen:

  • Kerogen is organic matter found in source rocks that cannot be extracted using traditional solvents.
  • It constitutes a major portion of organic carbon in sediments and plays a crucial role in the formation of hydrocarbons through thermal processes.

5. Doxxing:

  • Doxxing is a form of online harassment involving the unauthorized disclosure of personal information about individuals.
  • This information can include full names, addresses, phone numbers, workplaces, and other private details, exposing victims to privacy violations and potential harm.

6. BepiColombo:

  • BepiColombo is a joint mission by the European Space Agency (ESA) and JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) to study Mercury.
  • The mission aims to explore Mercury’s magnetic field, surface composition, geological features, and interactions with solar winds.

7. Defence Attache (DA):

  • A Defence Attache (DA) is a military officer representing their country’s defense interests at an embassy abroad.
  • DAs promote bilateral military relations and safeguard national defense interests in the host country.

8. C-Dome:

  • C-Dome is a naval defense system based on Israel’s Iron Dome technology, designed to protect against missile and rocket threats at sea.

9. Funding Winter:

  • Funding Winter refers to a market phase characterized by reduced capital inflow, impacting startup valuations.
  • During this period, startups may struggle to secure funding and achieve high valuations in the short to mid-term.

10. Shallowfakes:

  • Shallowfakes are manipulated media content created using basic editing tools, unlike deepfakes which use advanced AI algorithms.
  • They can still be used for malicious purposes such as spreading misinformation or harassment.

11. S.A.R.A.H.:

  • S.A.R.A.H. (Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health) is an AI prototype developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) with enhanced empathetic responses.
  • It aims to support healthcare initiatives and improve access to health information.

12. Swell Wave:

  • Swell waves are long-wavelength ocean waves caused by distant weather systems like storms.
  • They travel over vast distances and play a role in shaping coastal landscapes and marine ecosystems.

13. Negative Leap Second:

  • A proposed adjustment to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) involving subtracting one second to compensate for Earth’s changing rotational speed.
  • This adjustment aims to align atomic timekeeping with astronomical time scales.

14. Reverse Flipping:

  • Reverse Flipping refers to overseas startups relocating their domicile to India and listing on Indian stock exchanges.
  • This trend is driven by potential higher valuations and market opportunities in India.

15. T-0:

  • T-0 settlement refers to immediate settlement of funds and securities on the day of trade execution.
  • It represents a shift towards real-time transaction processing in financial markets.

16. SIMA:

  • SIMA (Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent) is an AI agent capable of performing various tasks across different domains.
  • It exemplifies the versatility of AI technologies in addressing complex challenges.

17. Juice Jacking:

  • Juice Jacking is a cyberattack where public USB charging ports are compromised to steal data or install malware on connected devices.
  • This attack exploits user trust in public charging facilities.

18. Cavum Clouds:

  • Cavum Clouds, also known as hole-punch or fall streak clouds, form when aircraft pass through altocumulus clouds.
  • The interaction causes supercooled water droplets to freeze, creating distinctive cloud formations.

19. Orans:

  • Orans are sacred groves managed by rural communities in Rajasthan, serving as biodiversity-rich community forests.
  • They are preserved for cultural and ecological reasons, playing a vital role in local traditions.

20. Parrot Fever (Psittacosis):

  • Parrot Fever, or psittacosis, is a bacterial infection primarily affecting birds but can be transmitted to humans.
  • It is caused by Chlamydia psittaci and can lead to serious respiratory symptoms in humans.

21. Sponge Iron (DRI):

  • Sponge Iron, also known as Direct Reduced Iron (DRI), is produced by reducing iron ore using a reducing gas.
  • The process involves converting iron ore into a metallic iron product, which is used as an alternative feedstock in steelmaking processes.

22. Wheat Blast:

  • Wheat Blast is a severe fungal disease affecting wheat crops caused by Magnaporthe oryzae.
  • The disease can lead to significant yield losses in wheat production, particularly in warm and humid climates.

23. eROSITA:

  • eROSITA (extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array) is an X-ray telescope onboard the Russian-German Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) observatory.
  • It is designed to survey the X-ray sky with high sensitivity, providing insights into cosmic phenomena such as black holes and galaxy clusters.

24. Frozen Smoke (Aerogel):

  • Frozen Smoke, scientifically known as Aerogel, is an ultralight material derived from gels where the liquid component has been replaced with gas.
  • It possesses exceptional properties such as high porosity, low density, and thermal insulation, making it useful in various applications including insulation and aerospace.

25. Grey Zone Warfare:

  • Grey Zone Warfare refers to strategies employed in international relations that exploit the space between peace and open warfare.
  • It involves using unconventional tactics to achieve strategic objectives without triggering a full-scale military response.

26. Smishing:

  • Smishing is a form of phishing attack conducted via SMS or text messages.
  • Attackers use deceptive messages to trick recipients into divulging personal information or downloading malware onto their devices.

27. Hanooman:

  • Hanooman is a large language model (LLM) designed to respond in multiple Indian languages with capabilities in text, speech, and video generation.
  • It aims to support various sectors including healthcare, governance, finance, and education with AI-powered solutions.

28. Qanat System:

  • The Qanat System is an ancient water supply technology used in arid regions to tap underground water sources and channel water through underground tunnels.
  • It has been historically employed in regions such as North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia to provide sustainable water access.

29. Mpemba Effect:

  • The Mpemba Effect is the phenomenon where hot water can freeze faster than cold water under certain conditions.
  • This counterintuitive observation has intrigued scientists and is attributed to complex factors including evaporation, convection, and supercooling.

30. FiloBot:

  • FiloBot is an innovative climbing robot inspired by plant behaviors that climbs structures using a filament extension mechanism.
  • It mimics natural growth patterns to navigate and scale vertical surfaces, showcasing bio-inspired robotics.

31. Alpenglow:

  • Alpenglow is a natural atmospheric phenomenon where mountain slopes are illuminated with a reddish or rosy hue during sunrise or sunset.
  • It occurs due to sunlight scattering and refraction in the Earth’s atmosphere, creating stunning visual effects.

32. Anthrobots:

  • Anthrobots are bio-robots constructed from human tracheal cells capable of movement and self-assembly.
  • They exhibit unique properties similar to living organisms, making them potential models for future biomedical applications.

33. DRESS Syndrome:

  • DRESS Syndrome, or Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms, is a severe drug allergy characterized by diverse clinical manifestations.
  • It can lead to serious complications and requires immediate medical attention upon onset.

34. Swarm Drones:

  • Swarm Drones refer to a collective group of drones that operate in coordination to achieve common objectives.
  • They leverage swarm intelligence algorithms to communicate and collaborate autonomously, enabling various applications from surveillance to disaster response.

35. Watsonx.ai:

  • Watsonx.ai is an AI tool developed by IBM and NASA for Earth monitoring and environmental analysis.
  • It provides insights into environmental changes and supports decision-making using satellite data and AI algorithms.

36. BRAHMA-2D:

  • BRAHMA-2D is a mathematical model designed to analyze flow dynamics in large braided rivers like the Brahmaputra.
  • It aids in understanding river behavior and assists in the design of hydraulic structures for riverbank protection.

37. eSoil:

  • eSoil is a bioelectronic growth substrate used in hydroponic environments to stimulate plant root systems electrically.
  • It enhances plant growth and nutrient absorption in controlled agricultural settings.

38. Fjord Phantom:

  • Fjord Phantom is a sophisticated malware targeting banking customers in Southeast Asia.
  • It combines app-based attacks with social engineering tactics to deceive users and steal sensitive information.

39. Environmental DNA (eDNA):

  • Environmental DNA refers to genetic material shed by organisms into their surroundings, providing insights into biodiversity and ecological health.
  • It is used in molecular monitoring techniques to study and monitor various ecosystems.

40. Geoglyph:

  • Geoglyphs are large ground designs created using durable landscape elements such as rocks or earth.
  • They are cultural and artistic expressions found in various parts of the world, often associated with ancient civilizations.

41. Gamma-ray Burst:

  • Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) are intense bursts of high-energy gamma rays originating from distant galaxies.
  • They are among the most energetic events in the universe, thought to be associated with cataclysmic astrophysical phenomena such as supernovae or neutron star mergers.

42. Scattered Spiders:

  • Scattered Spiders is a hacking group known for cyber intrusions targeting organizations worldwide.
  • Also referred to by aliases like Starfraud and Muddled Libra, this group employs sophisticated tactics to breach security and exploit vulnerabilities.

43. Fractals:

  • Fractals are complex geometric patterns that repeat at different scales, exhibiting self-similarity across magnifications.
  • They are used in mathematics, art, and computer graphics to model natural phenomena and explore infinite structures.

44. E-Prime:

  • E-Prime is a distinct layer within Earth’s core-mantle boundary, characterized by unique chemical composition resulting from surface water interactions.
  • This layer contains hydrogen-rich materials and provides insights into Earth’s interior dynamics.

45. Airglow:

  • Airglow is the natural emission of light by Earth’s atmosphere due to interactions with solar radiation.
  • Unlike auroras, which result from charged particles, airglow occurs continuously and contributes to the Earth’s atmospheric radiance.

46. Digital Twin:

  • A Digital Twin is a virtual representation of a physical entity, such as a product, process, or system, used for analysis and simulation.
  • It enables real-time monitoring, predictive analytics, and optimization of physical assets in various industries, from manufacturing to urban planning.

47. Radio Galaxies:

  • Radio Galaxies are active galaxies emitting strong radio waves due to interactions between supermassive black holes and surrounding material.
  • They play a key role in studying galaxy evolution and cosmic phenomena associated with black hole accretion.

48. R21/Matrix-M Vaccine:

  • The R21/Matrix-M Vaccine is a novel malaria vaccine with high efficacy, developed to combat malaria in children.
  • It represents a significant milestone in malaria prevention efforts and has been approved for use in several African countries.

49. Attosecond:

  • An Attosecond is an incredibly short unit of time, equivalent to one quintillionth of a second (10^-18 seconds).
  • Attosecond studies provide insights into ultrafast processes in atomic and molecular physics, enabling observations of electron dynamics.

50. Watermeal:

  • Watermeal, also known as duckweed, is the smallest flowering plant found in aquatic environments.
  • It serves as a food source for waterfowl and plays a role in nutrient cycling in freshwater ecosystems.

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